I've had a passion for technology since I was young, and my journey as a Full-Stack Engineer began in 2018. Since then, I've had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects as a consultant, collaborating with many talented professionals.
Currently, I develop software solutions for clients across various industries, including fashion, telecommunications, petroleum equipment and pharmaceuticals.
I mainly work with Java, Spring, JavaScript and Vue.js, but in my free time, i enjoy to challenge myself on doing something different and expanding my skills.
I'm also comfortable in environments where multiple technologies are in use, and I'm always ready to adapt and grow by learning new tools and frameworks.
I thrive on finding the best solutions to complex problems and in creating robust and secure software.
I love to learn new things, always seeking to improve my technical skills and grow as an individual.
I consider myself a fast learner and I love to learn new things, always seeking to improve my technical skills and grow as a person.
Thank you for visiting my site, and I look forward to connecting with you!
05/2021 - PRESENT
- Designed and developed a custom email system using IMAP and SMTP protocol, allowing admins to distribute emails to specific users and allowing users to send and receive emails through a single Italian Certified Electronic Mail account (PEC).
- Engineered a Spring Boot batch application that ingests ASN.1 formatted binary files from a server, parses and transforms them into objects, performs data coupling and cleaning, and saves them as csv files before securely transferring them to another server via SFTP. Regularly engaged with the client in meetings to gather requirements, discuss challenges, and explore preferred solutions.
- Enhanced the overall functionality and performances of an international fashion company’s ERPs reducing cache loading time of 90%. Additionally, i analyzed and developed new features, presenting solutions to the client for final decision.
- Restyled three business web apps for a pharmaceutical company with a modern UI using Kendo library, personally gathering requirements and feedback from the client, improving user interaction with the applications.
- Extended Android App for the Italian National Insitute of Statistic by developing and integrating new features using Flutter and Dart.
- Documented functional and technical specifications for all projects.
JavaSpring-bootVue.jsJavascriptKENDO UIPL-SQLPostgreSQLRESTWeb-SocketLinux serversGitAgileFlutterDart
04/2021 – 12/2021
- Collaborated in the design and implementation of a user-friendly portal for an international fashion company, improving interaction with Tableau and automating new users registration, which reduced employee workload.
- Programmed RESTful API for an international company in the fueling industry, working in an Agile environment and using multiple AWS products. The API is used by multiple customers to efficiently retrieve diverse datasets leading that improved data-driven decision-making and lead to cost-effective solutions.
- Created multiple tools to simplify internal tests.
- Presented new tools and features I developed to managers and colleagues.
- Documented technical specifications for tools and features.
JavaSpringJavascriptAWS DynamoDBAWS S3FlywayAWS LambdaAWS SQSAWS ElasticSearchKibanaLogstashKafkaPL-SQLRESTLinux serversGitAgile
05/2019 – 04/2021
- Developed complex ERP web app for a global enginering and contruction company, collaborating in design and development with other engineers to ensure smooth integration of features.
- Trained and mentored other engineers in the project.
- Managed multiple Linux servers and configured application servers and databases.
- Refactored existing code improving readability and removing backend bottlenecks resulting in enhanced maintainability, improved performances and simplified new engineers onboarding.
- Boosted database performance through indexes and queries refactoring, reducing query time by 60-80%.
JavaSpringJavascriptPL-SQLCouchbaseRESTODataSOAPLinux serversGitAgile
12/2018 – 05/2019
- Delivered Customer Portal and CRM web app for an international energy company, ensuring interaction with other systems through SOAP protocol.
- Created a backend microservice from scratch based on energy company's requirements.
Portfolio website you are currently navigating on, built in Next.js and Tailwind CSS
Next.jsTailwind CSSGithub ActionsDocker
Portfolio website you are currently navigating on, built in Next.js and Tailwind CSS
Next.jsTailwind CSSGithub ActionsDocker
TaMa - Work in progress
Website with the purpose to showcase skills with various technologies. The website will help you handle your project's tasks. This is still a work in progress.
Spring-BootJavaVue 3TypescriptDocker
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TaMa - Work in progress
Website with the purpose to showcase skills with various technologies. The website will help you handle your project's tasks. This is still a work in progress.
Spring-BootJavaVue 3TypescriptDocker